33rd Arbor Day Celebration
Pomona Park Celebrates its 33rd Arbor Day. A Live Oak was planted at Willard Hazen Ball Field in the children's play area, hoping to offer shade someday.
Florida celebrates Arbor Day in January
because most trees are dormant at this
time of year, according to Julio Perez, a
horticulture agent with the University of
Florida IFAS Extension office in Putnam
County. The first Arbor Day celebration
in Florida was held in 1886 in DeFuniak
Springs, according to ifas.ufl.edu.
State legislature mixed things up in i1945 when leaders declared the third Friday in January as Arbor Day, according to statute 683.04. “Although we have seen several hard freezes this year, our winters are milder than the rest of the country,” he said. “Florida also tends to be at least a month ahead of everywhere else.”