Bid for Road Millings
The Pomona Park Town Council requests sealed bids to fill potholes and low areas on Cedar Street, Pine Street, and the bypass of S. Railroad and Pleasant St with lime rock and compact. Then top with asphalt millings at a width of 12’ (twelve feet) and a minimum depth of 3’’(three inches) and compact with roller. The length of Cedar Street is 200’, Pine Street is 300’ and the bypass of Railroad and Pleasant is 60’ L x 20’W. Road edges must be made true.
The bidder must provide proof of Worker's Compensation Insurance and General Liability Insurance and be licensed to work in Putnam County.
Bids must be written, signed, and sealed. Bids must be marked on the outside of the envelope: “BID FOR ROAD MILLING” An official seal will be placed by the Town Clerk's Office when received. Bids must be received by noon, January 3, 2024, to be considered. LATE BIDS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Bids can be hand-delivered to Town Hall at 1775 Hwy 17 South Pomona Park, FL, or mailed to Town Clerk, PO Box 518, Pomona Park, FL 32181. Bids will be opened by the Town Clerk and will be presented at the next Town Council Meeting. The contract for this bid will be awarded to the lowest responsible and eligible bidder. The Town of Pomona Park reserves the right to reject any or all bids in the best interest of the Town.
For additional information, call the Town Clerk at 386-649-4902. If you like more information, contact Andrea Almeida, Town Clerk.